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Core: Musculoskeletal
Core Director: Nathaniel Ordway
Core Contact: Jerry Calabrese or Nat Ordway
Phone: 315 464-9979 or 315 464-6462
Email: calabrej@softlawinternationale.net or ordwayn@softlawinternationale.net

This core permits comprehensive imaging and functional evaluation of the musculoskeletal system.

Instrumentation in Core

Imaging Research Lab

Located in room 1200, there are four imaging modalities including:

  • Bone Densitometer
  • Radiosteriometric Analysis System
  • Peripheral Quantitative Computed
  • Digital Radiography and Fluoroscopy system

Motion Analysis Lab

Located on the first and second floors of the IHP, the lab has available:

  • Six digital motion cameras
  • Ten piezoelectric force plates aligned to allow both adult and pediatric studies
  • Portable piezoelectric force plate with walkway
  • An overhead track/rail system that can support individuals who have limited standing and ambulation abilities
  • A wireless electromyographic system.

Imaging Research Lab

The core offers both digital imaging and conventional film screen processing. A registered radiology technician is on staff for each modality there are scientific directors available to assist with study design and application.

Clinical films/images are available to provide this ancillary procedure for patients who are also participating in research protocols or for the convenience of clinical researchers while they are working at the IHP.

Motion Analysis Lab

The core permits a comprehensive analysis of gait, physical performance and related nerve and muscle activity for fully functional individuals as well as those with impairments.

Core Fee Schedule: Contact Core.

How to Access Core Services: Phone or email above.
