

REDCap, Research Electronic Data Capture, is a secure, 多用途, web-based platform that that supports data collection for a variety of needs. 

No installation required; go to http://redcap.softlawinternationale.net/ to log in.

Learn more 关于搬运工.


We will be holding REDCap survey webinars the second Tuesdays of the month at noon.  Sessions one and two will be repeated every other month (see schedule below) to provide on-going training for the most frequently used REDCap functionality.  

Registration is required to receive a calendar invite and webinar link.  

Session 1: Orientation to REDCap and building a basic survey

Learn 关于搬运工 functionality, how to navigate the interface, and to build a basic survey. The training is not structured as a hands on session, but participants are welcome to follow along in REDCap.

Dates and registration links for 2024:

Session 2: Advanced survey settings, repeating and multiple surveys


  • Advanced features in REDCap to improve survey aesthetics (HTML, 嵌入式领域), 和功能(动作标签), 可选的设置)
  • 多次和重复调查
  • 自动调查邀请
  • 警报和通知

To get the most out of this session, a basic understanding of REDCap is recommended.   

Dates and registration links for 2024:


REDCap is used by research organizations worldwide and training is readily available online from other organizations.

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) provides a high-quality REDCap培训系列, which includes training on the basic and advanced topics below.  An account is needed to register for free ITHS classes.

REDCap 基础培训系列; Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children’s National (CTSI-CN).

Data collection and storage for human subject research with REDCap course, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

UCD REDCap YouTube channel from the Colorado Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (CCTS)


For assistance with training or other REDCap issues, please 提交TDX票.

REDCap may be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Research
    • 临床试验
    • 随机对照试验
    • 纵向研究
  • 运营支持
    • 管理数据跟踪
    • 工作流程跟踪
    • Web forms
    • 调查前后对比 
  • 基本的调查
    • 质量改进
    • 满意度调查
    • 服务使用跟踪
    • 用户需求调查


  • 对上州用户不收费
  • Log in with Upstate single sign on
  • HIPAA and FDA Part 11 compliant
  • Access levels to protect PII, project setup, data manipulation, etc.
  • 匿名或跟踪回复
  • Projects may be shared with collaborators outside of Upstate
  • Data export formats include Excel/CSV, SAS, SPSS, R
  • 由上州IMT工作人员支持 


  • Limited built-in data analysis functionality
  • 学习曲线
  • Data import from other sources can be cumbersome 


  • 临床研究
  • 课程评估
  • 前后调查
  • 使用情况统计
  • 教职员管治投票
  • Web forms

For assistance or training, please s提交TDX票.

REDCap may be used in place of SurveyMonkey, Google forms, etc.. It is HIPAA compliant by default and supported by Upstate IMT staff.

User guides for creating and using basic REDCap surveys


Recommendations for improving survey data and response rate

  • Briefly inform respondents of the why, who, how long, etc., in the invitation or survey introduction
    • Purpose/how the data will be used/why it is worth their time (i.e., the data collected will be used to improve services)
    • 所需时间的估计(1).e., “the survey will take approximately 3-5min to complete)
    • 如何保护数据(i.e., anonymous, deidentified sharing, secure sharing, etc.)
    • Who will have access to the data, if applicable (i.e.、合作者、公众等.
  • Keep the survey as short as possible
    • Break unavoidably long surveys into shorter segments (Tip: in REDCap, break the survey into sections and use the Pagination setting “Multiple pages (display one section per page)”
    • 利用调查来收集数据 其他地方没有
    • Collect only data that you know will be utilized, nothing extra
    • Ask one question, or inquire about one concept, at a time
  • Use neutral wording (beware of adjectives or adverbs) to avoid influencing or biasing responses
  • Keep questions as clear and concise as possible, while tailoring to respondents’ education level, 常见的术语, etc.
  • Use multiple choice and scales as often as possible
    • The more open-ended text responses, the less likely someone is to respond (the less effort required by respondents, the better)
    • Be sure to offer a neutral option, and/or options for all respondents (i.e.,无,其他)
  • Use validation where possible for open-ended questions (i.e., email addresses, phone numbers, min/max values, etc.)
  • Ask the easiest questions first to reduce survey fatigue
  • Consider the best timing to launch a survey 
    • Check respondent availability (i.e., check the academic schedule, avoid holidays, etc.)
    • Avoid launching a survey at the same time as (an)other survey(s)